Monday, February 21, 2005

At the End of the Universe

I was most amused by Conservative leader Michael Howard's rant about the Council Tax rises and how the government has abused this indirect taxation. What I found particularly hilarious about this is that Michael Howard is responsible for the tax - he invented it.

I guess that politicians hope that the general public - the majority of them anyhow - will have bad memories.

George W is in Yurp and is attempting to renegotiate his image with the 90% or so of Europeans who would rather have Donald Duck as leader of the most powerful country on the planet than a man who has questionable policies and motives. I'm not surprised he's not coming here again and I'm also thankful, especially as the British press only seems interested in concentrating on non-stories these days.

The snow didn't last. Apparently there's a lot of disruption along the East coast, many places have had a lot of snow. When I say a lot, I mean 6 or 7 centimetres. People in the USA, Canada or anywhere on mainland Yurp will know that the UK is the only country in the world, apart from Hawaii, that has serious problems with a light dusting of snow. In a morbidly evil kind of way I'd love for the country to have the worst snowfall in living memory get dumped on us in the next couple of days. You know metres rather than centimetres. It would be a stick in the eye to all those people who said just last year, "Oh snow, ooh, you'll be lucky if you see any ever again in a few years, what with global warming", and there's nothing more amusing than watching a bunch of Brits panic because of slightly adverse weather.

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