Sunday, July 24, 2005

LA Boost

On a lighter note... (for a change...)


Or more specificially - women, summer, clothes, lack of them.

It has often been an enigma to me why there aren't more tailenders during the summer - cars ramming up the arse of the car in front of you because the driver of said car is more interested in the semi-naked woman walking down the street than the other idiot gawping in front of him.

This evening wasn't the warmest evening on record, by a long chalk, but it was pleasnt enough to wear a shirt and trousers and not much else... Not Much Else is what a large percentage of the woman aged between 15 and 65 that were out wearing tonight.

I like women, always have. There's something about their tits, hips and stomaches that do it for me - women's torsos do it for me big time. Especially if they are under 5' 4"...

However, as I get older I find myself more amazed by the get-ups rather than sexually aroused. Don't get me wrong, if any of the upper eschelons of the gorgeous percentage out tonight had wandered over to me and said, 'fancy slipping me one' I probably would have consulted my diary to see when I could pencil in some infidelity :-)

And that's the point of this in a nutshell... I was very sexually active during the period between 1978 and 1983 (and beyond that but monogamously) and had more shags than I was probably entitled too, but as far as my addled memory allows, I can't ever remember a single girl uttering the words "fancy slipping me one", although with more intensive memery scanning I'm sure words similar to that were uttered, but I digress, I have had forward girls in my time, but none so forward as to take the entire responsibility...

I have a mate with two teenage kids - a girl of 16 who may or may not be sexually ambiguous and a boy of 15 who is anything but. He was also very active in the bedroom during his youth and chucked it about a bit. However, he, like me, didn't lose the Big V until we were 16.

Friday night, his wife at her usual Friday appointment, my mate rolls back from town after a few beers with some mates and finds his son and his girlfriend almost in flagrante on the sofa. My mate is a responsible bloke and prides himself on his upbringing of his kids, despite the fact that he frowns (as does his equally 1980s promiscuous wife) on behaviour considered too risky for kids in 2005.

Later, after the girl's dad has picked her up, matey decides to have a heart-to-heart with his son, maybe explain a few things that maybe he'd missed in the earlier years. Unexpectedly his son wasn't very happy or receptive to a 'chat'. Why? Simple...

The girlfriend, a petite, perfectly formed 14 year-old with the face of an angel and the mouth of a devil, had instigated the entire scenario. She had heard his folks were out and came round with the specific intention of getting a damned good rogering. The dad having arrived home about an hour earlier than believed had stopped the coitus before it could be interupted and the ultimate outcome was that 14 year-old nympho ended up dumping mate's son because he couldn't service her with the required volume. I'm amazed! But I can also see why the son was utterly pissed off. When I was his age I hadn't shagged anything, but most of the girls I got off with were never in the same league as this girl. Also as much as I got casual sex with willing girls in my late teens I always had to be the person who made the initial move, like girls in 1978 knew what they wanted but wanted you to prove it to them.

I feel very sorry for people who reached sexual peak in the years between 1982 and 2000. It seems that an entire generation were a damned sight more careful about their sexual habits than any previous generation, or the ones that are coming. Because of AIDS, sexuality never reached the heights it should have reached and is looking like it will reach over the next ten years or so...

And that should be the end of this little lecherous rant, except to say that when I was 18 and doing town on a Saturday, fashion and appearance were not the same as they were today, but tonight, while out for a meal, we were sitting next to a table with a few people on it. One of the girls at the table was stunning - you wouldn't have had a moment of doubt if she had walked up to you and said anything at all that involved you delivering a load on or in her and you would have been like putty in her hands.

However, I recognised one of the other women at the table and as they were leaving she saw me. It was an ex-wife of a cousin of mine and the stunningly gorgeous girl sitting with her was her FOURTEEN year old daughter (of only 8 weeks), and she was also my second cousin. If she had been out on the streets I doubt there would have been one person who would have put her age at anything less than 21 (maybe the Garfield T shirt gave something away, but other than that - nada - nothing to make you think she was her actual age.

I've seen this many times before, girls who should be playing with Barbie dolls wearing wonder bras and clothes that hookers would feel uncomfortable with. Tonight's example wasn't one of these, but there are hundreds of them out there and I saw then on my walk through town.

I hate getting old because the older I get the more of a pervert you'll think I am!

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