Feeling slightly less pessimistic about the world (but please note I didn't use the word optimistic)...
Since last summer we've heard stories of flooding in major towns and cities; as recently as two weeks ago there was a BBC documentary about the building of new homes on flood plains and how these houses are at risk because of the imminent changes in British climate. Every bloody week we're being told - drier winters, wetter summers, warmer winters, hotter summers and every other month we're fluctuating between mediterranean or arctic futures, depending on what the Gulf stream decides to do this century...
Late last week the water companies decided to inform us that there is the best chance of a massive drought this coming summer than in any year since the last one, in 1976. I'm sorry, but what? I do not think I will be in a minority here, in fact more like massive majority, when I say that we don't believe you. I think it takes massive cajones of the water companies to stand up publicly and say there might be a drought in the face of all the opposing evidence, I mean, after all, 'the wrong kind of rain' excuse can only hold up so long, can't it?
Everyone I've spoken to, which I'm aware doesn't even constitute the beginnings of a Gallup poll, agrees with me - if we're having a drought then it's the incompetence of these companies and it should be up to water boards to sort the problems out. We pay them enough money and they are always posting profits at the end of the year, yet they're always asking for more money to help improve the system, but why they can't use the profits they make once in a while is beyond me (oh yeah, that's something else to blame Thatcher for).
There is going to be a general election and this journal is going to have no bearing on the outcome whatsoever, but I would like to state publicly that many commentators believe that the country is healthier than it has been for years and the economy is sound and we're moving forward domestically. That will all be reversed and destroyed unless Labour get in again for another term. We all would like lower taxes but the lower the direct taxes the higher the indirect taxes will be - that's a fact, and the lower the taxes the less services you will get and while that might not bother you at the moment, give it a few years and there won't be enough of anything left to be able to rebuild on. The Conservatives are only interested in short-termism: Michael Howard doesn't give a shit about your children, he doesn't even give a shit about his own - fat cat Tories will always be able to supply for their kids and when there is fuck all left in Britain they'll all bugger off to the Cayman Islands and retire in the knowledge that they helped destroy Britain.
If you don't want to vote Labour, just don't vote Conservative.
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