I blame Margaret Thatcher for most things that have gone wrong in the last 25 years. I think it is a fair accusation.
I appreciate there are many people that will disagree with this statement, even some people who will believe, quite stoically, that Thatcher was responsible for many of the good things that have happened as a result of her radical form of governing. The fact that I think these people are intellectually retarded or 'fucktards' is immaterial, if Thatcher hadn't come to power we might still have a sense of community in this country, we might not be surrounded by a social underclass that smokes crack, exploits the exploitable and is a celebration of everything that is despicable about modern Britain.
However, one thing I can't accuse Thatcher of doing is creating a Nanny State or, more importantly to this piece, creating people who feel it is their moral obligation to moan and set themselves up as the moral conscience of the nation, or even worse, the moral conscience of the 'moral majority' (who of course are really the moral minority, they just think everyone thinks the same way). This was probably down to good old upstanding Mary Whitehouse, who younger people will be unaware of, but was the self-appointed moral watchdog of the country who felt she needed to poke her nose in others business because, obviously, the rest of us weren't intelligent enough to make our own minds up!
I suppose I've made a point in my later life of telling people that I'm something of a Royalist. I think for all the Windsor family's dysfunctions they still provide this country with something relatively unique and they bring a lot of tourist quids in - an enormous amount in fact. I'm not enamoured particularly by the lesser royals, but the major ones have my respect...
Prince Charles is someone I quite like. In fact I'd like to meet the man, maybe even have a chat with him, I think he's an eccentric, but so am I, and I think he's the sort of guy who at some point in the past said, "Oh fuck it, I'm not going to be king until I'm very old, if at all, and boy have I got my own opinions on things and I'm going to express those opinions occasionally." Therefore there are people who dislike him. There are also people who dislike him because of what he did to Princess Diana and I suppose a lot of what happened was unforgivable - at least in the eyes of the obsessive and those that hold grudges for other people, even people they don't know.
Charles is getting hitched again, or at least he's trying to. His desired wife this time is the woman it should have been 35 years ago and only the Royal family must know the reasons why this union was not encouraged before CPB went off and married someone else. My opinion, for what it's worth, is that he's an adult, he's entitled to do whatever he sees fit and if he wants to marry a woman he obviously really loves then he should be allowed to. But there have been NINE objections lodged at the Registary Office where the wedding has to take place. And... In today's Guardian there's this: http://www.guardian.co.uk/monarchy/story/0,2763,1432056,00.html which basically makes me sick because these people have nothing better to do with their time than be concerned about the affairs of other people. It also makes me wonder if Diana was still alive would these same groups have the same objections?
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