Diversity is a bad thing.
Diversity led to war.
Free will leads to diversity which leads to war.
Conscious thought leads to free will which leads to diversity which leads to war.
The biggest fear for the Americans during the 1950s was a world over run by those pesky communists with their hive mentality and disregard for personal wealth.
It was easy not to want that kind of thing if you lived in the western world. I mean growing up and seeing limited pictures of what life was like on Soviet streets made you quite pleased we had food mountains and stocked cupboards.
Problem is communism - pure communism - is actually, probably, the fairest way for humankind to live. You see diversity causes wars...
For starters, there's about 5 billion people too many on this planet.
Wars start when people want something someone else has got. Or they start when someone believes in one thing and someone else doesn't believe the same thing. Diversity gave us religion and you know what diversity causes... The more people that are born, the less likelihood we all have of living in a harmonious world. In fact, I'm genuinely concerned that during my life time we might see something so catastrophic that should make the heads of the leading governments change their priorities - but of course it won't. Because once you've had one catastrophe, a second one is easier to accept.
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